Things get tougher for Nancy in The Pact...!

Louie and AnnaLouie and Anna
Louie and Anna
Monday: The Pact; (BBC1, 9pm)

The drama series The Pact started with four female friends, who all work at a brewery, playing a drunken prank on their young boss – a joke that seemed a lot less funny when he was subsequently found dead.

The women agreed to a pact of silence, but that has proved difficult, especially as one of them, Anna (Laura Fraser) is married to police officer Max (Jason Hughes).

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However, while the characters are bonded by a dark secret, it seems the actresses who play them have formed a much less fraught connection.

Former Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh who plays Nancy, says: “These women will never get rid of me now. I really lucked out working with Laura, Eiry [Thomas] and Heledd [Gwynn]: three brilliant actors and also three beautiful, funny and smart humans. We are The Pact Bitchezz (our Whatsapp group).

“Every single person who came in, even to do a couple of days, was insanely experienced and talented. And lovely.”

Julie believes that their closeness was partly due to the unusual conditions during filming. She says: “You always form bonds when you do a job, but this one really felt special. The cast and crew have really been through something together, this being, for all of us, our first experience of making telly in the time of Covid. I don’t know what anyone looks like from the nose down of course, so if I bumped into any of them in the future, I wouldn’t have a clue who any of them were!”

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As well as being full of praise for her co-stars and the crew, Julie is also a big fan of writer Pete McTighe’s script

She says: “It’s a thriller, first and foremost. A twisty-turny thriller that keeps you guessing to the very end. But it’s also a story about friendship, family, marriage, love and betrayal.”

That’s echoed by her co-star Eiry Thomas, who plays Louie. She says: “I love that it’s just a group of ordinary women who are in an extraordinary situation. I think that is something we can all relate to. I think you can go, ‘these women are not majorly special, they’ve got quite ordinary lives like all of us’.

“But something happens to them that throws all the cards in the air and the cards are landing in places they weren’t expecting.”

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So, we should probably expect some more surprises in the final two episodes.

Tonight’s penultimate edition begins as the police make an arrest, and Anna, Nancy, Louie and Cat are interviewed. Meanwhile, Max is feeling frustrated, and decides to resort to unorthodox methods to get to the truth.

The series reaches a climax with tomorrow’s episode, which sees Nancy making an important decision, and Louie being presented with the opportunity to build a new family legacy.

However, DS Holland (Rakie Ayola) also seems to be making progress, and decides to make her move. But will the truth about Jack’s death finally be revealed?

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