Travelling to the South of Ireland after 'No Deal' Brexit scenario - N.I. motorists must carry car insurance Green Cards

Motorists will have to carry specific insurance documents with them when travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'No Deal' scenario.Motorists will have to carry specific insurance documents with them when travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'No Deal' scenario.
Motorists will have to carry specific insurance documents with them when travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'No Deal' scenario.
Motorists in the North of Ireland will have to carry insurance documents with them when travelling across the border to the South of Ireland if the United Kingdom leaves the European Union with 'no deal'.

Here's everything you need to know regarding motorists from the North of Ireland travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'no deal' scenario.

If there is a 'no deal' scenario, will my insurance policy still be valid if I drive my car in the South of Ireland?

Yes. A physical copy of what is called a Green Card.

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Motorists will have to carry specific insurance documents with them when travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'No Deal' scenario.Motorists will have to carry specific insurance documents with them when travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'No Deal' scenario.
Motorists will have to carry specific insurance documents with them when travelling into the South of Ireland in a 'No Deal' scenario.

Green Cards are an international certificate of insurance issued by insurance providers in the U.K., guaranteeing that the motorists has the necessary third party motor insurance for cover in the country being travelled to.

* Green Cards are not cards in the traditional definition of the word, it is essentially a document which, under current international rules, must be printed on a piece of green paper.

How do I get a Green Card?

Contact your insurance provider and they will send you your Green Card.

Make sure you do this as you must carry it when travelling from the North into the South of Ireland.

How long does it take?

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Don't leave it late. You should request your Green Card from your insurance provider at least one month before you are due to travel.

How much does it cost?

This will depend on who your insurance policy is with. It is possible that some insurance providers will ask for a small administrative cost to process the Green Card.

Will I be breaking the law if I travel without one?

Yes. If you attempt to drive without a Green Card in the South of Ireland in a 'no deal' scenario you could be accused of driving without insurance which could result in a fine, vehicle seizure and prosecution.

The only other option is to purchase insurance locally when you arrive in the South of Ireland however such policies may not be widely available and can be much more expensive than insurance policies purchased in the U.K.

The U.K. is due to leave the E.U. at 11:00pm on Friday March 29, 2019.