Free winter programmes at libraries

Derry's Central Library on Foyle Street. (Google Earth)Derry's Central Library on Foyle Street. (Google Earth)
Derry's Central Library on Foyle Street. (Google Earth)
A ‘New Year New You’ programme of encouraging and inspirational events is being rolled in libraries across Derry and Limavady, with a range of free events on offer up until Friday 15 February.

Creggan Library is hosting ‘Keeping Your Mind Active - relax with crosswords and Sudoku in great company’ every Friday from 10am to 12noon; and a ‘Brew Monday Cuppa and a Chat’ event next Monday, January 20th from 2pm to 4pm to bring people together and strike up conversations.

The Central Library on Foyle Street meanwhile will host an ‘Introduction to Family History Online’ on Friday, January 31 from 10am to 12noon with a practical session for beginners on how to start researching their family tree (basic computer skills required).

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Next Monday, January 20th and the following Monday, 27th, the Central library will also offer a ‘Let’s Get Moving’ winter stroll to build friendships and reconnect with nature from 2pm to 3pm.

A Spanish Conversation Group meets in the Central Library every Tuesday at 1pm in the Central Library, while Cryptic Corner crosswords and sudoku takes place on the same day in the same place from 2pm.

The Irish Conversation Group meets every Friday at 1pm in the Central library for beginners and Irish speakers.

Shantallow Library meanwhile is also offering Cryptic Corner crosswords and sudoku every Monday during opening hours, and their Brew Monday Cuppa and Chat events also take place on Mondays in January from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

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The Strathfoyle Library hosts Cryptic Corner crosswords and sudoku on Mondays during opening hours, while Limavady will host a Digital Detox Day on Wednesday, January 30th from 3pm to 7pm where people can take a break from gadgets with a fun filled day of activities.

Jim O’Hagan, Libraries NI Chief Executive said: “Libraries are places of learning, places of sharing with others in the heart of local communities. With such a varied programme of events on offer, there is something for everyone. So why not come along with a friend, or family member, and support and encourage each other to start to make positive, informed changes that will help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions and improve your health and wellbeing?”

All events are free but booking is advisable by contacting your local library: Central - 02871229990; Shantallow - 02871354185; Strathfoyle - 02871860385; Creggan - 02871266168; Limavady - 02877762540.

For more information see

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