Sinéad McLaughlin calls for strategy against drink spiking

Sinéad McLaughlinSinéad McLaughlin
Sinéad McLaughlin
There was 120 incidents of drink spiking incidents reported so far this year, according to the PSNI, with only six of those occurring in the first nine months.

SDLP MLA Sinéad McLaughlin has called for a strategy to be put in place urgently to tackle the rise in drink spiking.

She said, “The dramatic rise in reported spiking incidents in the last month shows how common this issue has become and how under reported it has been. Since speaking out on this issue I have been contacted by a number of women who have been victims of spiking. It is important that even more people come forward to report possible criminal activities to the PSNI, as well as to tell their story and share their experience so we can best decide how to tackle this issue.

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“Drink spiking is a horrendous experience for anyone to be subjected to and it can have long-lasting effects. It can destroy someone’s confidence and leave them reluctant to venture out to socialise for fear of being subjected to a similar attack.

“Spiking places people directly in harm’s way, it greatly affects people’s self-control and leaves them vulnerable to injury and harm. Most disturbingly of all, it can be used to facilitate rape and other forms of sexual assault.

“These recent incidents have demonstrated the importance of dealing with spiking as part of the Executive Office’s strategy for addressing violence against women and girls. I will continue to push for urgent action on this issue in my role as Executive Office Committee chair. We need a joined-up approach to ensure that anyone subjected to spiking gets the help and support they need and that perpetrators are appropriately punished to send out a message this is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our society.”