Valentine’s Day - Romance in the Derry air?

Melissa Rodgers and Maggs Wilson. DER0620GS - 041Melissa Rodgers and Maggs Wilson. DER0620GS - 041
Melissa Rodgers and Maggs Wilson. DER0620GS - 041
Valentine’s day has been celebrated for over 400 years and some say it can even be dated as far back as the 6th century, connecting to the Roman Lupercalia festival.

Valentine’s focuses primarily on appreciating your partner and showing them how much you love them. So, with this in mind, we decided to head out and ask a few members of the public about the romantic holiday.

While some people were unwilling to divulge their worst Valentine’s day experiences, when we asked about the worst gift ever received on Valentine’s day, Donna Mourns recounted the time she received a chip pan for Valentine’s day from an ex-partner. She said that the relationship ended quietly shortly after that (unsurprisingly). Christian Zsigna meanwhile told us that once, as a joke, he gave his partner a floor brush, before immediately giving her a ring.

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If you search the most romantic places in Derry a variety of restaurants show up but, when we asked people what the most romantic place in the city for Valentine’s day was we got a variety of answers.

Siblings Derek and Donna Moran. DER0620GS - 040Siblings Derek and Donna Moran. DER0620GS - 040
Siblings Derek and Donna Moran. DER0620GS - 040

Melissa Rodgers and Maggs Wilson both agreed that the most romantic place in the city depends on the person and their partner. They personally thought that a ‘wee cosy bar’ that had some significance to a couple’s relationship would be more romantic than any restaurant.

Donna Mourns believed that the Guildhall was the most romantic place in the city as she fondly remembers going to dances there in her youth. Other people, including Erin Mahon and Chole Fleming,could not think of any romantic locations in the city but they believe the best way to spend Valentine’s is to spend the night in with your loved one.

Finding the perfect present for Valentine’s is often difficult. Many people settle with giving their significant other chocolates or flowers. With at least 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolates sold each year and 110 million roses sold in the US alone, we asked local people what their best Valentine’s day present was.

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Melissa Rodgers says that by far her best Valentine’s day present was a spa day away as well as a bunch of flowers. Christian Zsiga said his best experience was going to Vienna with his partner for a few nights as it was a beautiful city. Erin Mahon meanwhile says that her favourite gift she’s received was bath products and chocolates.

Chloe Fleming.  DER0620GS - 043Chloe Fleming.  DER0620GS - 043
Chloe Fleming. DER0620GS - 043

But as we remember all the wonderful gifts bought by partners we must not forget all the single people on Valentine’s day. Chole Fleming said she’ll be spending the holiday celebrating her singleness by having a few drinks with friends, and many other people throughout the city will no doubt do the same.

We all know that Valentine’s day continues to grow as a commercial holiday with more and more chocolates, flowers and cards being sold every year. But, many in Derry are agreed: the best way to mark the holiday is by spending time with our loved ones.

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