'˜Call it The Bart Simpson Centre'

Cartoon character, Bart Simpson.Cartoon character, Bart Simpson.
Cartoon character, Bart Simpson.
A move to rename the Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre has become so ridiculous, a local councillor says 'they may as well call it The Bart Simpson Centre'.

The comments from Sinn Fein councillor Sean McGlinchey follow a vote by unionists on Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council to change the name of the facility to ‘The Alexander Memorial Arts Centre’.

Ulster Unionist Colr. Aaron Callan, who proposed the name change, believes it is an appropriate way to remember S.M.Alexander.

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However, Sinn Fein and SDLP councillors claim the move by Colr. Callan is nothing more than a political stunt and a waste of ratepayers’ money.

The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre in Limavady.The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre in Limavady.
The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre in Limavady.

Colr. Sean McGlinchey said: “Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre is recognised by everyone now. Everyone knows where it is. This is nothing more than a political stunt. No-one has ever raised concerns about this before and, I think, the question has to be asked, why now?

“After all the controversy with the Dungiven sports project, we’re back at loggerheads, again, and it sends out the message that politics in Causeway Coast and Glens Council isn’t working.”

Colr. McGlinchey, who said Sinn Fein will use Council’s ‘call-in’ procedure’ to challenge the move, added: “It has become so ridiculous now; they may as well call it The Bart Simpson Centre.”

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SDLP Colr. Gerry Mullan said the move, which has to go to full Council later this month for ratification, said not only would it be a waste of ratepayers’ money, but it would also damage the centre and all the success staff have worked hard to achieve.

The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre in Limavady.The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre in Limavady.
The Roe Valley Arts & Cultural Centre in Limavady.

“I think Colr. Callan has misjudged the mood among the public, and failed to anticipate the backlash from the entire community. I really hope he will have time to reflect and realise he has made a mistake and withdraw his motion,” said Colr. Mullan.