Catholic bookshop teams up with humanitarian charity to provide clean water in vulnerable East Africa

Charity partnership.Charity partnership.
Charity partnership.
The Catholic bookshop, Veritas, has teamed up with Derry humanitarian charity, Children in Crossfire, this Christmas to supply vulnerable communities in East Africa with clean water.

Children in Crossfire has entered the new partnership with the Derry Veritas branch at 20 Shipquay Street to sell 'ethical gift cards'.

A spokesperson stated: "Choosing one of Children in Crossfire’s ethical gifts will make a real difference to some of the world’s most vulnerable children.

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"Gifts range from just £6 to £60. £6 will treat a child with severe acute malnutrition in Ethiopia for a week saving their life. £25 will provide clean safe water for life for a family in Ethiopia."

Children In Crossfire is inviting people to the launch of this partnership at 7pm on Thursday, November 30 at 7pm at the Veritas store.

Richard Moore Founder and Director of Children in Crossfire will talk about its work in Tanzania and Ethiopia.

Entertainment will be provided by the Long Tower Folk Group.

The gifts are also available online at or call 02871278955.

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