Councillor's car torched: PSNI looking to speak to two men

Colr. Brian Tierney. (DER0314PG016)Colr. Brian Tierney. (DER0314PG016)
Colr. Brian Tierney. (DER0314PG016)
Police investigating an arson attack on a Derry Councillor's car are looking to speak to two men seen in the area at the time.

SDLP Councillor Brian Tierney’s car was set alight outside a house in the Glencaw Park area of Galliagh on Friday, 24 November at around 10.20pm a car which was parked at a dwelling was set alight.

Police said the fire was extinguished by a member of the public and no one was injured during this incident.

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PSNI Inspector William Calderwood has appealed to anyone who witnessed this incident to contact Police.

Police said they would particularly like to speak to two males who were seen in the area as they may have information which could assist with the investigation.

Police can be contacted on the non-emergency number 101, please quote reference 1620 24/11/17.

Alternatively, if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.