Accountant jailed for third drink-driving conviction

An accountant who admitted drink driving for the third time has been jailed for four months.

Michael Sean Archer, of Dunlade Road, Greysteel, was also disqualified from driving for five years.

The 64-years-old pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, driving whilst disqualified and having no insurance.

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The offences were committed in the Crescent Link area of Derry on June 10.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard Archer had been drinking the night before and at around lunchtime on the day in question.

He drove into the city to get a part for his hosepipe and was detected by police.

The reading of the breath test was not available to the court.

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However, it was revealed the defendant has two previous drink driving convictions and is in breach of a suspended sentence for similar offences.

Defence counsel Paul Kearney said his client accepts the ‘seriousness of this offence and the potential danger to other innocent pedestrians and road users.’

The barrister said Archer, who is an accountant, is ‘candid and honest’ that he has a drink problem and has sought help.

Jailing Archer, District Judge Barney McElholm said the defendant had ‘completely flouted the order of the court.’

The judge added ‘he has to realise when people’s safety comes into play, the court has to send out a deterrent message.’