Detectives investigating report of Derry city centre sexual assault

Sexual assault reported to the PSNI.Sexual assault reported to the PSNI.
Sexual assault reported to the PSNI.
A woman was sexually assaulted in Derry city centre earlier this week, it's been reported to the PSNI.

Details of the incident have only just been disclosed.

Detectives at Strand Road have made a specific appeal.

Detective Constable McDonald said: "The assault was reported to us yesterday morning and is reported as having occurred in the Magazine Street area of the city.

"We are working to establish what happened and, in particular, we would appeal to a man who came to the aid of the victim yesterday morning in the Little James Street area at around 7:40am.

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"We are also appealing for a woman who we believe may have been in the victim's company prior to when the report was made to get in touch with us.

"We would appeal to both these individuals to contact us on 101 and quote reference number 250 of 27/10/20."