Jailed for one month for removing electronic tag

A 21-years-old man who removed his electronic tag has been jailed for a month.

Jordan Kavanagh, of Brompton Court, pleaded guilty to one charge of crimimal damage on April 22.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard the defendant, who is currently on appeal bail, breached his curfew two days in a row.

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Police visited Kavangh’s address during the hours of curfew and he was not present.

However, officers located him at another address in the city.

The electronic tag the defendant had been ordered to wear had been removed and was found at this house.

During police interview, the defendant claimed he didn’t know when or how the electronic tag was removed because he was ‘away with the birds’.

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Kavangh was released on bail in March pending an appeal of a nine month prison sentence for disorderly behaviour in Altnagelvin Hospital in Decmeber last year.

Defence counsel Stephen Chapman said he had been instructed to make an application for bail.

However, he said if the court was not minded to grant that application, Kavanagh is ‘realistic’ about his situation and would ask that the case is disposed of.

Deputy District Judge Laura Ievers refused bail as the defendant had already received a warning about breaching conditions.

She said criminal damage is ‘treated very seriously’ by the courts and imposed a one month sentence.