PSNI told to strategically reduce costs

The Auditor General, Kieran Donnelly, has said the PSNI needs to adop a more strategic approach to reducing costs after decade in which its funding has been slashed by £200m.

Mr. Donnelly said: “Despite significant cuts; a reducing headcount; and increasing demands crime outcome rates and confidence in the PSNI have remained stable.

“However, the focus on short term cost reductions means that it has been storing up problems for the future. Staff absence is at an all time high and there is a backlog of building maintenance which will need £27 million to deal with. It is essential that PSNI manages its budget in a long term strategic way to address the issues that have been created as a result of top-slicing budgets over the last nine years.”

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In a report published by the Northern Ireland Audit Office this morning Mr. Donnelly observed how annual funding for the PSNI reduced by 20 per cent between 2010/11 and 2019/20, around £200m in real terms.

Mr. Donnelly said that in a bid to manage costs, the PSNI introduced a methodology called Priority Based Resourcing, (PBR). It was intended that this would identify quick wins to help ease financial pressures and result in a new approach to allocating resources in the longer term.

PBR did not, however, deliver the anticipated strategic change and the focus turned very quickly to reducing headcount. The number of police officers fell by 7% and staff numbers by 5%, said the auditor.

“The PSNI plans to implement a new efficiency programme with a different approach. It recognises the need to learn from the experience gained during 2015 to 2019,” he stated.