Suspended sentence for man who threw key at former partner

A man who has only ever been in court once before in his life has been given a suspended sentence for what a judge described as 'nasty' behaviour.

John Richard Stewart of Foyle Fold admitted a charge of harassment on dates between June 29 and September 26, 2022.

He also faced charges of improper use of the communication network.

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The court heard that the injured party, the defendant's former partner, reported incidents involving Stewart.

She said they had been at the defendant's flat and an altercation had taken place that left her in fear of being assaulted.

As she was going down stairs Stewart threw a key at her.

The court heard of messages sent stating the defendant was going to be 'executed'.

Defence counsel said his client had pleaded guilty.

District Judge Ted Magill said the defendant was 79 with a relatively clear record.

He imposed a sentence of 3 months suspended for 12 months and a Restraining Order for two years.