Woman allegedly supplied drugs by partner in ICU

A woman who took drugs allegedly supplied by her boyfriend overdosed and is in intensive care, a court has heard.

Martin McLaughlin, of Strand Road, is charged with being concerned in the supply of Xanax, possessing the class C drug with intent to supply and supplying cannabis between June 1 and July 21.

Derry Magistrate’s Court heard allegations that police suspected the 46-year-old was involved in the supply of class C drugs.

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The court heard they attended McLaughlin’s address and his partner, who had overdosed, was found in the flat. She is currently in ICU.

It is alleged a quantity of Xanax tablets were seized from the property, along with other drug using equipment and electronic devices.

During police interview, McLaughlin admitted that he had given his partner Xanax in the past.

Opposing bail, an investigating officer said the defendant has six previous drugs convictions and police have concerns he will commit further offences.

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Defence counsel Sean Doherty told the court his client is a ‘vulnerable’ man who was being used as a ‘messenger boy’ by another individual.

He added that it was a ‘communal supply of drugs’ where the defendant and his partner ‘pooled’ together.

District Judge Ted Magill said: “If this lady is so fortunate to recover and be released, I would fear he would continue to supply her drugs.”

Bail was refused and McLaughlin was remanded until August 13.