David Amess was a 'kind man' who had always 'asked after John Hume'

The late David Amess.The late David Amess.
The late David Amess.
The late Conservative MP David Amess who was killed at a constituency surgery in Essex on Friday was a 'kind man' who had always 'asked after John Hume' after he retired from front line politics, the Stormont Assembly was told today.

SDLP Deputy Leader Nichola Mallon made the revelation while paying tribute in the Assembly on Monday.

"I did not know Sir David Amess, but I express my condolences to his family, friends, colleagues and constituents. The character of the man is clear when we look at the tributes from across the political spectrum.

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"This morning, I spoke to Mark Durkan, who knew him, and he said that he was a man of great kindness who cared deeply and had always asked after John Hume and Seamus Mallon," she said.

The Speaker Alex Maskey opened tributes, recalling how he had encountered the late Southend West MP at a meeting of a Westminster Committee examining the legislation relating to New Decade, New Approach (NDNA) which was chaired by him.

"It was very clear that Sir David had a friendly and amenable manner and that his colleagues were comfortable and at ease under his chairmanship. That brief encounter was just a snapshot for me, but it serves to underline the very warm tributes that have been paid to him over the weekend.

"Very serious issues are raised by Sir David's death. Wider society is in shock, and, clearly, the specifics of the incident are subject to legal proceedings that we cannot focus on today," he said.

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First Minister Paul Givan said: "Sir David was a close friend of the Democratic Unionist Party and a close friend of Northern Ireland. He was someone with whom we shared common values. He was passionately pro-Union and passionate about Northern Ireland's place within it. He was deeply pro-life, caring for people at all stages of their life, and we mourn his loss."

Deputy Prime Minister Michelle O'Neill said: "I also put on record my condolences to the family and friends of David Amess following the shocking news of his tragic death on Friday past. No public representative should face any attack when carrying out their duties on behalf of their constituents."