'˜Derry's young people will bear brunt of '˜Brexit'' - Duffy

Young people in Derry will bear the brunt of the 'Brexit' according to Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.Young people in Derry will bear the brunt of the 'Brexit' according to Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.
Young people in Derry will bear the brunt of the 'Brexit' according to Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.
Shantallow Sinn Féin Councillor, Sandra Duffy, has said the implications of the E.U. Referendum result will have major implications for the future of young people in Derry.

Colr. Duffy described the decision to leave the E.U. as “heart-wrenching” and said young people would “bear the brunt” of it.

“I can only describe the referendum result as heart wrenching.

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“Thursday’s result will have a greater impact on our children and our children’s children as their opportunities to study, live, love and work in 27 other countries gaining invaluable life experiences are snatched away from them.

Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.
Sinn Fein Councillor Sandra Duffy.

“Links between universities could be severed, the Erasmus school exchange programme called into question and those young people, from our neighbouring countries, who have taken a brave step to live and work here now face huge levels of uncertainties,” said Colr. Duffy.

Colr. Duffy added: “Let there be no doubt - young people will disproportionately bear the brunt and the effects will be long-lasting.

“The vast majority, 75 per cent of 18-25 year olds voted to remain. This again raises the urgent need to extend the vote to 16 year-olds.

“I therefore want to express solidarity with young people right across Britain who have been let down by inter party rivalry in a campaign whereby their interests were not at the heart.”