Easter Rising Centenary calendar of events to be launched in Guildhall

1916/2016 National Programme Co-ordinator Bartle DArcy (second from left) will be one of the speakers at the launch in Derry's Guildhall on Wednesday afternoon.1916/2016 National Programme Co-ordinator Bartle DArcy (second from left) will be one of the speakers at the launch in Derry's Guildhall on Wednesday afternoon.
1916/2016 National Programme Co-ordinator Bartle DArcy (second from left) will be one of the speakers at the launch in Derry's Guildhall on Wednesday afternoon.
Members of the public are invited to the Guildhall on Wednesday to attend the launch of the calendar of events to mark the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

The calendar of events will be officially launched by Derry City and Strabane District Council Mayor Elisha McCallion. Speakers will include National Commemorations Co-ordinator, Bartle D’Arcy and Sinn Fein MLA for Foyle, Raymond McCartney.

“Republicans across Ireland will, in a series of events throughout 2016, commemorate and celebrate the courage and vision of those who planned, led and participated in the Easter Rising 100 years ago. Here in Derry I believe that we have put together an ambitious, informative and entertaining calendar of events that everyone can enjoy,” said Coiste Doire 1916-2016 Chairperson Barney O Hagan.

The event will take place in the Whittaker Suite in the Guildhall at 1p.m. on Wednesday January 20 and anyone can attend.

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