Gardaí issue fresh appeal on sixth anniversary of Andrew Allen murder

Andrew Allen.Andrew Allen.
Andrew Allen.
Six years to the day since the brutal murder of Andrew Allen in Lisfannon Gardaí have issued a fresh appeal for information.

Garda detectives believe several people were involved in the murder of the 24-year-old Top of the Hill man, which occurred at Links View Park on February 9, 2012.

Mr. Allen was shot in front of his partner, while a silver Vauxhall Cavalier car believed to have been used in the atrocity, was torched at Church Brae, in Fahan.

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A number of people have been arrested and questioned in connection with the investigation, most recently in April 2017.

Today on Mr. Allen sixth anniversary Gardaí have asked anyone who knew anything about the planning of the murder, the destruction of evidence, or the harbouring of the perpetrators, or anyone who may have witnessed anything suspicious on the night of February 9, 2012, to come forward.

In a statement the investigating officers said: "Gardaí believe that there are still people in both Buncrana and Derry city who have information that may assist with the investigation.

"Gardaí wish to appeal for anyone with information or who can assist with this investigation in particular anyone who may have seen suspicious activity around the scene of the shooting prior to the incident or where the burning car was located in Fahan before or after the shooting to contact the incident room at Buncrana Garda Station on 074 93 20540, the Garda Confidential Telephone Line 1800 666 111 or any Garda station."