Gloomy growth forecasts show need for new strategy - Foyle MLA

Karen Mullan MLA.Karen Mullan MLA.
Karen Mullan MLA.
Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Karen Mullan said new forecasts for the economy showed the need for a fresh approach for the North.

Ms Mullan was responding to the Danske Bank forecast of 1.1 per cent growth in the economy of the north in 2019.

“The forecast of just 1.1 per cent growth next year is disappointing but not surprising,” Ms. Mullan said.

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“After 10 years of the DUP controlling the main Economic Department the north has been left with the lowest rate of economic growth in these islands.

“In addition, the DUP is actively supporting the severe threat to our economy posed by a Tory Brexit.”

Ms. Mullan said that when the institutions are back up and running at Stormont, new ideas and new thinking will need to come with it. She said: “When an Executive is restored a new economic strategy must be developed which puts the needs of the people of the north front and centre.”