Gregory Campbell brands Derry bombers 'losers'

DUP MP Gregory Campbell has ridiculed speculation that the car bombers who struck in Derry on Saturday may have been attempting to mark the 100th anniversary of the Soloheadbeg ambush, describing those behind the attack as 'losers'.

Mr. Campbell was reacting after a car bomb was detonated outside the Bishop Street courthouse shortly after 8 p.m. on Saturday evening.

In the wake of the the incident Saoradh, the Derry-headquartered republican group opposed to the Good Friday settlement, speculated that the bombers may have been motivated by a desire to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Irish War of Independence, which falls today.

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The East Derry DUP MP, however, poured scorn on this, stating: "Man runs from scene, short time later youths pass car, then car bomb explodes. Could have been several murdered."

He went on to ask: "Does this mean our great grandchildren, who will still be British, will be confronted with a bunch of losers a century from now who will mark the 200th anniversary in a similar way?

"There are those who say bombers now are different from back when Provos hijacked vehicles with bombs, they are only partly right, the driver of the vehicle wasn't strapped in this time."

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