McCallion slams British Chancellor for failing to announce 'City Deal' for Derry

Elisha McCallion.Elisha McCallion.
Elisha McCallion.
Sinn Féin MP Elisha McCallion has criticised the British Chancellor over his failure to announce a 'City Deal' for Derry in today's budget.

The Foyle MP said: "Today in the budget the British Chancellor had the opportunity to deliver a huge economic boost to the north west through a city deal but failed to do so.

"This city and district spoke with a united voice in calling for a city deal to aid our wider strategic growth plan but the Tory Chancellor chose to ignore that.

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“It is my firm belief that if the political will was there Philip Hammond could have announced a city deal for Derry today.

"It is yet another example of the total lack of regard for Derry and the north west by a Tory government, propped up by the DUP.

"While it is welcome that Philip Hammond referenced discussions with Derry and Strabane District Council about securing a city deal, these need to move to forward speedily in a manner that will secure a city deal for Derry and the north west.

"There is already a huge amount of work currently done in preparation for these important discussions with the British Treasury and I will continue to work with all stakeholders to ensure we have a successful outcome.

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"For our part we will be press ahead with the strategic growth plan and continue to lobby for a city deal as part of an inclusive growth deal needed to realise the economic potential that exists in the north west."

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