Coronavirus: 20 COVID-19 deaths and 147 positive cases in Derry and Strabane

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Twenty people from Derry and Strabane have now died after developing COVID-19, the Department of Health in Belfast have confirmed.

A hundred and forty-seven people in the district have tested positive, according to a new daily dashboard of statistics published by the Department of Health on Friday.

According to the new data 1,378 people in Derry and Strabane have been tested for the SARS-Cov-2 virus and the vast majority, 1,231, have come back negative. The new data is valid up until 9am this morning.

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It's the first geographical breakdown on COVID-19 deaths and cases since a previous Department of Health COVID-19 dashboard was suspended after a reporting error on Monday, April 20.

Prior to suspension it had been confirmed that there had been 15 deaths in Derry and Strabane and that 124 people in total had tested positive.