Covid-19: GP urges caution over households mixing at Christmas

The message says it all.The message says it all.
The message says it all.
A Derry GP is warning people to be extra cautious of the risk of spreading coronavirus when rules are relaxed over Christmas, writes Sean McLaughlin.

Dr Paul Molloy, who has been working on the frontline in the battle against the virus, spoke out after ministers from across the UK agreed three households could mix for five days from December 23-27.

His remarks also coincide with tougher lockdown restrictions across NI which come into force today for two weeks.

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Dr Molloy told the ‘Journal’ that he was “slightly puzzled” by the Christmas relaxations.

“I am as happy as anyone with the fact that I can visit my family,” he said. “However, the message appears to be: ‘Yes, we have relaxed the rules - but you need to be careful!’

“My personal feeling is that people stopped listening at the point when they heard Christmas is on.

People need to realise - the virus won’t be going on holiday or taking a break.”

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Dr Molloy says increased mixing of families will lead to an inevitable increase in the ‘R’ number - the average number of people that a person with Covid will go on to infect.

Warning against dropping our guard “when the end is in sight”, Dr Molloy said: “The only answer is that we maintain our individual responsibilities. Just because you are allowed to do something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe.”

The GP says that, post-Christmas, he’s quite optimistic new vaccines will radically alter the outlook.

“Hopefully, by summer, we can get to normal,” he added.

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