Covid-19: this battle is going to be a marathon and not a sprint - GP

A Covid-19 testing centre is located at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry.A Covid-19 testing centre is located at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry.
A Covid-19 testing centre is located at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry.
A Derry doctor has warned that the battle against Covid-19 is going to be a “marathon and not a sprint”.

Dr Paul Molloy, of Clarendon Medical, believes the current situation will have to continue for the foreseeable future.

Dr. Molloy, who is working on the frontline at the GP-led coronavirus assessment centre at Altnagelvin Hospital, said: “This is not going to be over in a fortnight or a few months.”

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We will, he said, have to start adjusting and “getting on as best we can with life, as the rules allow.”

Dr Molloy says he is encouraged that people have started contacting their GPs about ongoing non-Covid related health issues.

“The fact that people are starting to think about their other problems is a good thing. Not only because we need to deal with them if serious but also because it shows they are taking their finger off the pause button and trying to live with this new normal for however long it lasts.”

Speaking ahead of the Bank Holiday weekend, Dr Molloy said it was important to remember the necessary levels of protection for the population were maintained.

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“Irrespective of your age and health, the more people mix, the greater are the chances of the numbers of Covid related illnesses rising again,” he said. “With the bank holiday coming, it is important to remember that you stay in your home or near it, unless needed. It is not advised at present to go to holiday homes. It puts you and the people there at risk. The same rules apply for movement in both directions across the border.”