DERRY JOURNAL Editorial: It’s vital we are all speaking up for our older people

Standing up for our elderly. (File photo)Standing up for our elderly. (File photo)
Standing up for our elderly. (File photo)
The number of cases of COVID-19 in care homes across these islands and beyond has been extremely worrying for residents, staff and loved ones who are currently unable to visit them.

Many of us will have relatives and friends in these homes at the minute, or will have known people who were cared for as residents in the past, and many will have been struck by the devotion and attention displayed by those caring for them.

Care homes are where many of us are spending or will spend our twilight years. They are usually places of community, craic and security, where friendships are made and rekindled, meals are handed to you and there is usually ready company and fun activities. And in the midst of the pandemic, staff across Ireland are going that extra mile to ensure that, as best they can, this home from home environment is maintained.

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And at the centre of these care homes are local people who, for a whole myriad of reasons, require assistance, care or company.

Many of them are older people - the same people who built the world we live in today, but who worked, when they could get work, in harsher conditions; who came through tougher odds with a lot less materially; who laid the foundations and did all they could to make sure that we, their children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren could have it a bit easier in our lifetimes.

They are our link to generations past, the keepers of our stories and memories and they are the people who made our city, our towns, our villages the special and popular places they are today.

They have paved the future for the rest of us, and that is why it is important we stand with them now, and make sure their voices are heard and their well-being is front and centre in the minds of all decision makers as they tackle a crisis like no other in living memory.