Baby boy Flynn from Eglinton born at Altnagelvin Hospital at 00.50am on Easter Sunday weighing 6lbs 7oz is pictured with mum Helen, dad Ethan, staff midwives Meabh Coyle and Tracey Kelly, Sister Clare Lynch and Student Midwife Megan KyleBaby boy Flynn from Eglinton born at Altnagelvin Hospital at 00.50am on Easter Sunday weighing 6lbs 7oz is pictured with mum Helen, dad Ethan, staff midwives Meabh Coyle and Tracey Kelly, Sister Clare Lynch and Student Midwife Megan Kyle
Baby boy Flynn from Eglinton born at Altnagelvin Hospital at 00.50am on Easter Sunday weighing 6lbs 7oz is pictured with mum Helen, dad Ethan, staff midwives Meabh Coyle and Tracey Kelly, Sister Clare Lynch and Student Midwife Megan Kyle

Easter bunny busy with delivery of little treasures at Altnagelvin and SWAH

The Easter Bunny was busy with the delivery of little treasures at Altnagelvin and South West Acute Hospitals.

The Western Trust has sent congratulations to all the mums and partners and a big thank you to its staff who helped with the deliveries!