Mother of Adam and Aoife asks for birthday cards for twins who have been ‘through so much’

Adam and Aoife Burke, pictured with their parents.Adam and Aoife Burke, pictured with their parents.
Adam and Aoife Burke, pictured with their parents.
The mother of Derry twins, who lost their ‘devoted’ daddy suddenly in April, has asked if people could show them ‘love and support’ on their fourth birthday by sending birthday cards.

Adam and Aoife Burke, the beautiful children of Bronagh and Thomas Burke, have been through more in their short lives than many adults.

They are not only dealing with the loss of their daddy, who passed away from a heart attack at just 29-years-old, they are also processing the heartbreaking circumstances of his death, as they witnessed what occurred on the night he died.

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Additionally, with COVID-19 restrictions, they are unable to see their family and friends as much as they want or need, or access services which may be able to support them.

Their mammy, Bronagh, told the ‘Journal’ how the twins have been ‘talking about their fourth birthday since they were three’ and she wants to make it extra special for them.

A friend of hers came up with the idea of other people sending birthday cards for June 28 and Bronagh thought it was ‘a lovely gesture.’

“I think it might be a bit of a healing thing for the two of them as well. They’ll be able to see the love and support and know that so many people are thinking of them. It might seem like a small gesture, but it would mean a lot. They love cards and wrapping paper and Aoife, especially, loves anything to do with arts and crafts. They have been through so much. They witnessed everything the night their daddy died, and saw everything. The next day, when I had to tell them that daddy was in Heaven, I can’t explain that pain and heartbreak. We have had so much support from family, friends, my in-laws and the community, but with COVID-19, we can’t access counselling and they can’t go to play therapy or anything like that.”

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Bronagh, who called Thomas ‘Burkey’ told how the support they have received across the community since his death has been ‘second to none.’

“It has been overwhelming and people have been so, so good.”

She also outlined how Instagram has been a valuable outlet for her in her grief.

“I find it is helping me cope with my grief. At the minute, with restrictions, I find that if I need to say something, or I’m crying and I need to express it, the best thing I can do is put it out there in a video or a post. Writing it down or saying it out loud helps. And people are so good.

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“Nobody will understand this journey unless they are on it. I lost my daddy five years ago. He also died of a heart attack. The pain of that was unbearable, but this pain is a different pain. It’s unimaginable and so lonely. You only really have a 12 hour window when you’re with people, like the twins or a family member. The other 12, you’re in bed, trying to gather your own thoughts and Instagram is really helping me.”

Bronagh has been supported by many people on Instagram, who have pledged to help out with the twins’ birthday and she ‘cannot thank them enough.’

She added how she and Thomas’ life revolved around the twins and he was the most ‘devoted’ husband and father.

Well-known around Derry through his footballing career - he played and coached for Trojans before his death- Thomas was a ‘genuine, genuine fella.’

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“All the wains have known are me and ‘Burkey’. That was our life and to have that taken away, you ask yourself why?” Bronagh and Thomas were childhood sweethearts, getting together when they were 17. They married 18 months ago, with the twins present and both were due to celebrate their 30th birthdays this year. “He was one of the good guys. My daddy and him worked in learning disability in the Western Trust. Both of them had such caring hearts.” The children are ‘starting to ask direct questions’ about their daddy’s death, some of which are hard to answer and Bronagh said this can be ‘very difficult.’ Their fourth birthday on June 28 will be their first without their daddy and they’d love as many birthday cards as possible.

Birthday cards for Adam and Aoife, who love Mickey and Minnie Mouse, can be posted to 24 Gelvin Gardens, Trench Road, Waterside, Derry, Bt47 2dq

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