Derry MP Colum Eastwood to join other Irish MPs in opposing Brexit deal legislation

The European Union (Future Relationship) Bill is designed to give effect in British law to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement agreed by the UK and EU on Christmas Eve.The European Union (Future Relationship) Bill is designed to give effect in British law to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement agreed by the UK and EU on Christmas Eve.
The European Union (Future Relationship) Bill is designed to give effect in British law to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement agreed by the UK and EU on Christmas Eve.
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has confirmed that the party will vote against Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposals in the House of Commons tomorrow.

All the Irish MPs who take their seats at Westminster have said they will not back the European Union (Future Relationship) Bill when the British parliament is recalled on Wednesday.

The bill is intended to to give effect to the recently agreed Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the EU in UK law.

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The SDLP, DUP and Alliance have all said they will oppose the bill.

Mr. Eastwood warned that decisions taken by politicians in England, and forced on Northern Ireland and Scotland, will have profound and traumatic consequences for the future of the people of both islands. He also criticised the ‘toxic ideology’ that led to this point.

He said: “It is a matter of profound regret that Boris Johnson has decided to press ahead with his narrow plans to erode relationships with the European Union in the middle of the biggest public health crisis in living memory.

“A No-Deal Brexit was the worst possible outcome but we should all be clear – even with a deal, this will be a traumatic economic and political event that will profoundly affect people, businesses, and communities across our islands.

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“Those seeking to portray this as an enviable outcome to mask their chaotic mismanagement of the last five years have some brass neck.”

DUP MPs intend opposing the bill when it is brought forward tomorrow.

"When Parliament is recalled on Wednesday we will vote against this agreement. We will do so as a point of principle and not because we supported a no deal option. A free trade deal is better than no deal but for Northern Ireland this deal does not undo the detrimental aspects of the Protocol," the party said.

Alliance MP Stephen Farry won't support the implementation of the deal either.

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"I will be voting against the Boris Johnson Brexit Agreement tomorrow. Just finished discussions with Alliance Party members. We remain strongly pro-European and are not prepared to give legitimacy or acquiescence to a hard Brexit which damages Northern Ireland."

Mr. Eastwood said that the people of Northern Ireland have chosen a different future from those in England and spoke to what decisions may await down the road.

“We chose a future of partnership, cooperation and integration beyond borders. The stark choice now facing us is a future with a Conservative Government that has made clear its disdain for our hopes and aspirations of working to build a new Ireland, restoring our European citizenship and creating a fairer, more prosperous society. While the UK leaves one Union, the future of another has been called into very serious question.

“There should be no celebration in this moment for either side. As a party, the SDLP has a strong history of bringing our people and communities together. Our conviction that a new future is possible for the people of this island is growing and we are ready for a new, open and real conversation about what it looks like.”