People Before Profit's Shaun Harkin says Julian Smith 'did nothing for Derry'

Julian Smith, who has been sacked.Julian Smith, who has been sacked.
Julian Smith, who has been sacked.
People Before Profit Councillor Shaun Harkin has blasted the outgoing British Secretary of State, Julian Smith, who, he said, did nothing for the city of Derry.

Councillor Harkin also took issue with the Foyle MP Colum Eastwood for giving a positive appraisal of the Skipton and Ripon MP's period in charge of the Northern Ireland Office.

"It's totally disingenuous for Colum Eastwood MP to be out lavishing praise on Julian Smith.

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"We challenge Colum and the SDLP to document specifically what Smith has delivered for Derry and the North West?

"The answer is nothing.

"Like his recent Tory predecessors Smith has delivered nothing for people here," said Colr. Harkin.

Mr. Eastwood said Mr. Smith had worked hard to secure the restoration of the power-sharing Executive at Stormont and that he was "grateful for the work he undertook with me to secure additional resource for university expansion in Derry."

But Colr. Harkin said: "A quick look at Smith's record - from supporting the Bedroom Tax to campaigning for banks and wealthy corporations while zealously opposing workers rights - should convince anyone why he won't be missed.

"Smith, Boris Johnson and the Tories do not care about people here or ordinary people anywhere. Telling people otherwise is naive beyond belief."