Republican group cancels disputed 1916 parade following murder of Lyra McKee

The late Lyra McKee.The late Lyra McKee.
The late Lyra McKee.
A republican group hat had planned mounting an unauthorised Easter Rising commemoration in Creggan on Monday has cancelled the event following the murder of 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee on Thursday night.

The Derry 1916 Commemoration Committee said it was cancelling the event as a mark of respect.

Last year trouble flared on Easter Monday during a similar event.

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Derry District Commander Chief Inspector Alan Hutton had prior to Thursday night's murder urged the organisers to notify the Parades Commission of their intentions.

The committee, however, has now decided to cancel the commemoration, which was due to take place on Monday on the very street from which a gunman fired the fatal shot that killed Ms. McKee last night.

“The Derry 1916 Commemoration Committee have opted to cancel this Easter Monday’s annual Easter Commemoration as a mark of respect for the tragic and accidental killing of Lyra McKee.

"Our sympathy extends to the family, friends and loved ones of this innocent woman,” said the committee.