Road diversions in Magilligan causing '˜chaos', says MLA

SDLP MLA Gerry Mullan says the Seacoast Road closure has caused problems for drivers and residens.SDLP MLA Gerry Mullan says the Seacoast Road closure has caused problems for drivers and residens.
SDLP MLA Gerry Mullan says the Seacoast Road closure has caused problems for drivers and residens.
Road diversions in the Magilligan area to facilitate work on the rail line at Bellarena are causing 'chaos', it's been claimed.

The Seacoast Road at Bellarena level crossing has been closed since the middle of last week and is due to reopen to traffic tomorrow. Official road closures, as signed via Coleraine, have been put in place.

However, SDLP MLA Gerry Mullan said he’s been inundated with complaints about drivers using local roads, and the volume and speed of traffic. He said he’s also had complaints about the mess caused by traffic.

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“There’s no question about the work at the rail line, and that it needs to be done. However, the management of the diversions is causing problems. Traffic is going up the Duncrun Road and coming out on the Limestone Road and onto the Seacoast Road, and it’s chaos,” said Mr. Mullan. “The road is like a ploughed field. There are lorries on the road that have nowhere to pass other vehicles, so they’re mounting the ditch and churning up muck. That’s a narrow, windy road and a dangerous road at the best of times. You have drivers who don’t know the road using it and that’s causing problems. I know a resident who would walk on the road every day, but it’s become so dangerous now they’re imprisoned in their home. It’s too dangerous for them to walk on.”

Mr. Mullan has contacted TransportNI about the matter and he’s urging motorists to drive with extra caution.

A Department for Infrastructure spokesman said: “The official route, as signed via Coleraine, is suitable for all types of vehicles including HGVs. TransportNI (TNI) would ask all drivers to follow the official diversion route.”

The Seacoast Road is closed from November 9-13 from 8pm to 7am. The diversion from Limavady is via the Ballykelly Road, Windyhill Road to Coleraine then via Wheatsheaf Road, Quilly Road, Mussendun Road and Seacoast Road to Bellarena and vice versa. The Duncrun Road, will be closed at Magilligan level crossing from 14-18th November, from 8am-7am. The diversion is via Seacoast Road, Tircreven Road and vice versa.

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