Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams to be nominated for Taoiseach

Sinn Fein party president Gerry Adams TDSinn Fein party president Gerry Adams TD
Sinn Fein party president Gerry Adams TD
Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams, speaking at Leinster House this afternoon, has confirmed that Sinn Féin has decided to nominate him for the position of Taoiseach when the Dáil resumes on Thursday.

Speaking at Leinster House, Deputy Adams said: “Sinn Féin fought this election to seek a mandate to lead a progressive government based on the principles of equality and fairness, a commitment to build public services, to deliver relief to hard pressed families and citizens and to develop the Peace Process and a for Irish unity.

“As the party with the largest number of votes on the island, as the largest bloc within the Right2Change movement and as the third largest party in the Dáil and the main party of the working class in this state, it is incumbent on Sinn Féin to nominate a candidate for the position of Taoiseach when the Dáil resumes.

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He added: “Those who are homeless and those on hospital trolleys can’t wait for Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil - two parties with the same political philosophy and policies, with the numbers to do a deal - to try and figure out how they can control both sides of the Dáil. It is completely unacceptable. Sinn Féin will push for the Dáil to continue sitting, even if a government is not formed on Thursday, to ensure ministers are held accountable for their decisions and to ensure accountability on the issues affecting citizens.”

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