'˜We're disgusted with irresponsible dog owners'

Sinn Féin Councillor  Patricia Logue and James McIvor, DC&SDC join team members ,TRIAX distributing leaflets regarding dog fouling in the Brandywell & Dove Gardens area.Sinn Féin Councillor  Patricia Logue and James McIvor, DC&SDC join team members ,TRIAX distributing leaflets regarding dog fouling in the Brandywell & Dove Gardens area.
Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue and James McIvor, DC&SDC join team members ,TRIAX distributing leaflets regarding dog fouling in the Brandywell & Dove Gardens area.
Representatives from Derry's Triax Neighbourhood Management group say they are 'absolutely disgusted' by local people who allow their pets to foul on the streets.

They were speaking after a new campaign was launched this week involving a delegation going door-to-door in the Brandywell area passing out information about dog fouling.

The project will be rolled out across the Triax area over the coming weeks and months in response to requests from residents from the various estates in the Creggan, Brandywell, Bishop Street and Bogside areas.

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Colm Barton, from Triax Neighbourhood Management, said: “This is a constant problem that creates enormous anger in the local community. Parents with young children, using prams, the entire community, in fact, suffer because of the actions of irresponsible dog owners.

“We are not opposed to dogs or responsible dog owners but we are absolutely disgusted with irresponsible dog owners. The dogs are not to blame - it is the owners.”

Sinn Fein Councillor Patricia Logue also spoke out on the issue following numerous complaints from residents.