Alliance's Rachael Ferguson backs striking education workers in Derry

Rachael Ferguson at the NIPSA rally in the city's peace garden.Rachael Ferguson at the NIPSA rally in the city's peace garden.
Rachael Ferguson at the NIPSA rally in the city's peace garden.
Derry Alliance Councillor Rachael Ferguson joined striking education workers at a demonstration in the city's peace garden on Monday as they commenced a week long strike for better pay.

Colr. Ferguson was asked to address the protest by NIPSA Derry.

“Education Welfare Officers play a hugely important role in the education of children and young people," said Colr. Ferguson. “We currently have 1,200 children and young people waiting support from the EWOs

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“This waiting list shows the importance of this role, which is instrumental in ensuring that attendance levels improve and works with families to ensure they have the tools and support to do this. This role helps stop families having to go down the judicial route when they are struggling."

Pointing to the fact that 3,000 children are currently assigned to an EWO, Colr. Ferguson said their labour is in huge demand and deserves to be valued.

“I know these members here want to be providing for these vulnerable children and their families. But staff feel they have no other option but to go into industrial action as all other attempts to resolve this dispute have failed," she said.

The protest meeting was held by NIPSA , with UCU and Derry Trades Council in attendance.