Derry pub delivering creamy stout in proper pint glasses

A pint ready for delivery from Bennigan's Bar in Derry.A pint ready for delivery from Bennigan's Bar in Derry.
A pint ready for delivery from Bennigan's Bar in Derry.
A Derry pub is now serving up creamy pints of stout in proper tulip glasses for collection and delivery.

Bennigan's Bar, a popular music venue off Derry city centre now closed to regulars due to the coronavirus lockdown, started the service on Thursday.

Punters, who miss a pint of the black stuff and wouldn't put a plastic cup near their mouth, can avail of a proper pint glass if they are willing to pay a small deposit.

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The bar announced the initiative on their Facebook page by posting a photograph of a pint slowly settling into an appetising ruby red.

"Remember these? Takeaway pints of stout in proper glasses with lids. £3.50 a pint and £1.50 deposit for the glass. Get £1.50 back when you return it. Open Thursday, Friday & Saturday 4-10pm for collection and delivery," the proprietors said.

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