Irish govt. places NW region front and centre of Restoration

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Julian Smith and Tánaiste Simon Coveney in Belfast. (Photo by Kelvin Boyes/ Press Eye)Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Julian Smith and Tánaiste Simon Coveney in Belfast. (Photo by Kelvin Boyes/ Press Eye)
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Julian Smith and Tánaiste Simon Coveney in Belfast. (Photo by Kelvin Boyes/ Press Eye)
The Irish Government has set out a particular focus on investment for the North West within the draft deal plan for restoring power-sharing.

Tánaiste Simon Coveney said his government stands ready to commit E110 towards infrastructure projects in the north over the next three years.

The Irish Government also said it “recognised that the NW region is in particular need of strategic investment, and that there is a clear argument for further enhancing cross-border cooperation and connections, to the benefit of all”, and stated that it would examine restarting City of Derry to Dublin air route while pledging £75m towards the A5 up to 2022.

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Under its section within the ‘New Decade, New Approach’ document, it states: “The Irish Government welcomes the UK Government’s announcement to invest up to £105m in Derry and the North West through the Derry and Strabane City Deal and the Inclusive Future Fund. The Irish Government is committed to exploring opportunities for investment that will further support opportunities to bring greater economic prosperity and social benefits to the wider region.

“The Government is willing in principle to contribute to capital investment to support expanded provision at Magee Campus. We look forward to early discussion at the North South Ministerial Council on taking forward this coordinated investment in order to deliver this vital project.”

Dublin remains committed to supporting the NW Strategic Growth Partnership and the NW Development Fund, while continuing discussions through the NW Strategic Growth Partnership on employment and development projects, including Foyle River Gardens initiatives.