AQE decides not to proceed with transfer tests

The AQE will not proceed with transfer tests this weekend.The AQE will not proceed with transfer tests this weekend.
The AQE will not proceed with transfer tests this weekend.
One of the main exam boards in the north has decided not to proceed with transfer tests this weekend.

The Association for Quality Education (AQE Ltd), formed to manage and administer the Common Entrance Assessment (CEA) for transfer of pupils from primary to a number of post primary schools in the north, issued a statement to this effect on Tuesday.

“The Board of AQE Limited met on January 5, 2021, and in light of the decision to close schools, has decided not to proceed with the tests planned for 9th, 16th and 23rd January 2021. The Board will now be consulting with member schools, and a further statement will be issued after that.," it said.