Coronavirus: A message from the Derry Journal - keeping us all as safe as possible

We are asking people to place memorials by phone or e-mail.We are asking people to place memorials by phone or e-mail.
We are asking people to place memorials by phone or e-mail.
The coronavirus pandemic is rapidly extending its tendrils around every aspect of our lives.

No-one and nothing is unaffected and we at the Derry Journal just wanted to make sure we can all stay safe together and provide accurate and reliable information.

Like many businesses across the north west who have been proactive in the face of this unprecedented situation, we want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our own staff and customers.

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Therefore we are asking anyone who wants to place a memorial in the paper to please do so by telephone or e-mail and not to show up at our office.

Instead please telephone 02871 229739 or e-mail: [email protected] and one of our dedicated staff members here will be happy to help you.

And remember if you have any symptoms self-isolate to safeguard yourself, your loved ones and those on the frontline at pharmacies, hospitals, surgeries, and shops. Please don’t put these valuable health professionals and staff members, or indeed yourself, at risk.

There have been so many good natured and kind hearted people in our society acting to help those who may be housebound or afraid, and they are showing the best of humanity in the face of this crisis.

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The main symptoms of Coronavirus are a persistent cough and a fever. Please remember to wash your hands as frequently as you can and to observe the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ advice for coughs and sneezes.

We are all in this together. And only by acting collectively now will we have a good chance of returning to some semblance of life as we knew it before COVID-19.

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