Covid spikes: foreign travel not recommended, says GP

There has been a recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Spain.There has been a recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Spain.
There has been a recent surge in Covid-19 cases in Spain.
A Derry doctor has cautioned against “all but essential travel” abroad as COVID-19 cases spike across Europe.

Dr. Paul Molloy spoke out as holidaymakers were warned that “handbrake restrictions” could be imposed on more countries beyond Spain in order to stop the spread of coronavirus.

A mandatory 14-day quarantine for travellers returning to Northern Ireland from Spain came into effect at midnight on Saturday.

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The NI Department of Health said the decision to bring in the quarantine measure was taken following medical and scientific advice.

Robin Swann, the Stormont health minister, said the decision “was not taken lightly”.

Anyone who chooses to holiday abroad should be aware “things can change very quickly while they are away and we have to respond to that in a way that protects the people of Northern Ireland in general”, the minister added.

Dr. Paul Molloy, who, with other local GPs, worked at the COVID-19 assessment centre in Derry at the height of the pandemic’s first wave, says travel outside your home country should be avoided if possible.

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He told the ‘Journal’: “Fewer people entering this country from other areas reduces the chance of the virus being imported.

“Foreign travel is not recommended unless essential. At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual to decide.

“However, you need to be very wary of the restrictions or rules relating to the country you are travelling to or from as this may necessitate quarantine on arrival or returning.

“The advice remains stay close to home, if possible, wear a mask if you have to go into public places, limit your contact with non-familiar people and wash your hands regularly. This advice maximises your chances of avoiding COVID and other illnesses.”