Shape Your Life groups lose a staggering 100 stone in 10 weeks

June Doherty before and after joining the Shape Your Life groupJune Doherty before and after joining the Shape Your Life group
June Doherty before and after joining the Shape Your Life group
Members of Sharron McCormick’s new Shape Your Life groups in Derry and Strabane have lost a staggering 100 stone in 10 weeks.

Sharron, a food columnist, founder of With Love Recipes Ltd, and a weight loss consultant for a national slimming group, saw the need for health and wellbeing classes as lockdown saw some people struggling with lifestyle and food intake.

When Covid-19 hit, Sharron’s Love Recipes business was forced to close and furlough employees. However, having many years experience in the health and fitness industry it was obvious to Sharron there was the need for groups offering help and guidance to maintain a healthier lifestyle and she made the decision to bring forward the opening up of her Shape Your Life groups under the With Love Recipes Ltd banner.

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“It was already in our three year business plan to open up our own health and well-being classes,” explained Sharron. “The impact of the pandemic made me realise that we couldn’t wait any longer.”

Lavinia Woodward before and after joining Sharron McCormick's Shape Your Life groupLavinia Woodward before and after joining Sharron McCormick's Shape Your Life group
Lavinia Woodward before and after joining Sharron McCormick's Shape Your Life group

Sharron launched at the start of September with a phenomenal response to this new approach to health and well-being and the results speak for themselves with members losing a remarkable 100 stone in just 10 weeks.

Cecilia Graham believes that Shape Your Life has changed her life saying: “I am already more than one clothes size smaller, I am sleeping better and I have more energy. I am learning so much, each week is different and I am feeling so positive, Sharron is a real inspiration.”

Bridgeen McGarrigle added: “10.5lbs off in 4 weeks. Shape Your Life calorie counting has to be the way to go!”

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Speaking about the success for her groups, Sharron said: “Giving our members the calories they need for them as an individual to have a weekly weight loss or to maintain their weight has been so successful.

“Everyone is saying how much they are loving it, they have more choice, are more in control and are finally understanding how the type and amount of calories we eat affect our body as well as our mindset and internal health. We cover different topics each week and include cookery demonstrations as well as meditation.”

Such is the success of the programme, two members of Sharron’s Strabane group, Roisin McCann and Jodie Browne, have become franchisees with Roisin opening her first groups in January in Omagh and Jodie opening in Derry.

“I can’t wait to be able to pass on the Shape Your Life programme,” said Roisin. “As a member myself, I see firsthand, the amazing work Sharron is doing and the results have been phenomenal. I am really excited to be part of this exciting company.

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“I can’t thank Sharron enough for how much she has helped me both with my weight loss and also my confidence, the programme goes far beyond anything I have ever tried before.

“I too am really excited to be involved and cannot wait to share the programme with the members.”

Speaking about her plans for the future of the company, Sharron added: “We are really excited about the future, franchising out our Shape Your Life Groups will mean we can help even more people with their health and well-being. Due to demand, we have also established our online groups for people who are shielding or who live further away and we have already expanded our reach with members coming online from as far away as London, Manchester, Bristol, Ireland and even America!

“The success of the programme as well as the future growth plans will mean more opportunities for self employment as well as a huge increase in our own production team to service the growing demand.”

For more information on any of the services or products, you can contact Sharron on 07519779345 or via email: [email protected]

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