Concern over items among swings and slides sparks Bull Park maintenance, upgrade call

Bull ParkBull Park
Bull Park
A Derry councillor says it’s time Jon Clifford-Bull Park was upgraded and has called for better maintenance after used condoms were discovered among the swings and slides.

Sinn Féin’s Patricia Logue is to have a meeting with officials from Derry City & Strabane District Council after a number of issues were raised with her by constituents.

Councillor Logue said: “There have been a number of issues raised with me by the Bull Park residents’ group, individual residents and park users. There are concerns over inadequate play facilities at Jon Clifford-Bull Park.

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“A number of unsavoury items have also been found in the children’s play area. The main concern is the lack of meaningful play structures for the toddler age group, items not being replaced, the upkeep of the park and the need for a refreshing of the woodchip and dealing with weeds and vegetation.”

She said that unfortunately the park has been the focus of anti-community activity.

“Some of the play structures are destroyed or no longer fit for purpose. There is also concern about a very small element who are involved in anti-community activity around the park and more worryingly the finding of discarded condoms amongst some of the wood chippings. I feel we need to explore all options to ensure that all play features at this park are kept.”