Arrest after 60-year-old found badly injured in Derry

A 42-year-old man has been arrested following an assault in Derry.

The 60-year-old victim of the attack is currently seriously ill in hospital.

The incident in the Caw area of the city is believed to have happened this morning.

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PSNI Detective Sergeant Brian Reid said: “The suspect was detained after a 60-year-old man was found badly injured inside a property in Sperrin Park at around 8am this morning.

“The victim has since been taken to hospital where he is understood to be in a very serious condition this afternoon.

He added: “We would like to hear from anyone with information regarding this crime or anyone who can assist the investigation in any way. Detectives can be contacted at Strand Road police station. Please quote reference 484 02/04/17.

“If someone would prefer to provide information anonymously they can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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