Border communities group to attend All Island Civic Dialogue on Brexit

Representatives from the Border Communities Against Brexit group.Representatives from the Border Communities Against Brexit group.
Representatives from the Border Communities Against Brexit group.
The '˜Border Communities Against Brexit' group has been invited to attend the All Island Civic Dialogue on Brexit, to be held in Dublin on Wednesday, November 2nd.

The group had written to An Taoiseach Enda Kenny seeking inclusion at the meeting and received an invitation to attend.

Lead spokesperson for the group Declan Fearon, from Armagh said: “Border Communities Against Brexit are a group of people from all sectors – business, community, farming - as well as individuals who have come together out of concern of the impact an exit from the EU would have on the island of Ireland.

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“Therefore we thought we had a right to be amongst the civic society groups, trade unions, business people, non-governmental organisations and the main political parties on the island of Ireland invited to participate in the discussions set to take place on Wednesday in Dublin.

“Upon writing to An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, we welcome his decision to have our group invited to, and included in, the proceedings.

“We are made up of, and represent, ordinary people and if Brexit goes ahead it will be the ordinary people in our communities who will pay the price – through job losses, loss of farm incomes, arriers to our students third level education and the loss of vital EU Peace funding.

“I have been advised that the session is highly participatory and I am more than prepared to go along and not only represent the group, but to represent the 440,707 people in the North who voted to remain within the EU.

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“Our votes should be respected and our wishes to remain must be upheld. We want to make sure our voices are heard in Dublin, London and Brussels and our involvement in the discussions on Wednesday is a step towards that.”

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