Brooke Park Bowling Pavilion works welcomed

Bowlers with the then Mayor, Elisha McCallion MP at the clubhouse in 2015.Bowlers with the then Mayor, Elisha McCallion MP at the clubhouse in 2015.
Bowlers with the then Mayor, Elisha McCallion MP at the clubhouse in 2015.
Sinn Féin Councillor Mickey Cooper has welcomed confirmation that repair works to the Brooke Park Bowling Pavilion has been completed.

A spokesperson for Derry City & Strabane District Council, which commissioned the works, said repairs were mainly carried out on the roof of the building. “The work finished on June 19, ensuring the facility is in good repair ahead of the 90th anniversary celebrations of the Bowling Club,” she said.

Colr. Cooper said the works were the next step in ensuring that the building was fit for purpose beyond the landmark birthday.

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He said: “I am delighted that the project has moved a step forward. The club has a number of maintenance issues which were causing users concern and I have worked with council and the club to ensure that funding was made available to get the repairs done in advance of the clubs 90th anniversary which will see a range of events hosted by the club.

“I will continue to lobby council to ensure that funding for a modern new clubhouse is made available in the coming years to ensure that the club is housed in modern surroundings by the time of its centenary.”