Caoimhe '˜honoured' to replace Elisha as Derry Councillor

Recently elected Foyle MLA Elisha McCallion will be replaced on Derry & Strabane Council by Caoimhe McKnight.Recently elected Foyle MLA Elisha McCallion will be replaced on Derry & Strabane Council by Caoimhe McKnight.
Recently elected Foyle MLA Elisha McCallion will be replaced on Derry & Strabane Council by Caoimhe McKnight.
Newly confirmed Sinn Féin Derry councillor Caoimhe McKnight has said she is honoured to have been selected to replace Elisha McCallion.

Colr. McKnight has been endorsed by her party colleagues after former Mayor Ms. McCallion topped the poll in the recent Foyle Assembly election.

Speaking to the ‘Journal’ as she prepared for her first council duties, Colr. McKnight said:

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“I am very honoured to have been selected and endorsed to replace Elisha as a councillor for the greater Shantallow and Culmore areas.

“It’s a very big constituency covering a vast geographical area but I am up for the task ahead.

“It’s great to have a very strong team around me along with Tony and Sandra to help continue Elisha’s work in this area and in the council.

“I am sure that Elisha will be a great asset to the Assembly team.”

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Colr. McKnight added: “My selection is also tinged with sadness as it comes just a week after the passing of Martin McGuinness. But as Gerry Adams said at the graveside, we shouldn’t mourn, we need to celebrate and organise. That’s what Martin would want.

“We have seen that with hundreds of people joining Sinn Féin over recent days. He exemplified all that is decent and fair about our republican ideology and our core values of freedom, equality and solidarity.

“And it is now over to us to take the struggle from where he has left it. He will continue to inspire and encourage us in the time ahead.”

Caoimhe McKnight is a single mother to five-year-old Eamonn, and is currently finishing a Law with Accountancy degree at Ulster University, Magee.

Her degree ends in May, with graduation in July.

Caoimhe is the daughter of well know local businessman Chris ‘Pinta’ McKnight, and her mother Donna Moore is a Sister in Altnagelvin Hospital.

She is the second eldest of five children.

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