Daylight burglar was wearing black jumper, grey trousers and white trainers

Dunvale ParkDunvale Park
Dunvale Park
A man in a black jumper, grey trousers and white trainers fled towards the Magee College playing fields after breaking into a house in Dunvale on Tuesday.

Police are appealing for witnesses following the attempted burglary at 10am on Tuesday.

A male suspect wearing a black jumper, grey trousers and white trainers was seen entering from the rear of the property and the kitchen window was smashed. The presence of the resident deterred the suspect who is believed to have left towards playing fields behind the property.

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If anyone has any information in relation to the incident, please call the Police non-emergency number 101, quoting the reference 1187 of 10/11/20.

A report can also be made using the online reporting form via Alternatively, information can be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at