'˜Low level' dealer sold drugs to his friends

A '˜low level' drug dealer, who sold drugs to around seven people, is to be sentenced later today (Tuesday).

Edward Maguire, of Moat Street, pleaded guilty to drugs offences committed in May 2015.

Derry Crown Court heard police searched the 23-years-old’s family home and seized eight small clear plastic bags from his bedroom.

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These contained 7.41 grams of MDMA, 6.71 grams of Cocaine, 1.52 grams of Ketamine and MDMA tablets.

Maguire’s phone was also seized, along with over £3,300 in cash.

During police interview, the defendant admitted he intended to sell half the drugs to pay for the rest.

He also admitted selling Cocaine in the past, however claimed the Ketamine was for personal use.

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Maguire told police the cash was for the person he bought the drugs from.

The defendant was interviewed for a second time in August, 2016, after his phone had been analysed. Maguire admitted on this occasion that he was selling drugs to friends at social gatherings.

The court heard it was accepted by the prosecution that Maguire was a ‘low level’ dealer who was supplying approximately seven people.

Defence counsel, Ivor McAteer, said his client was ‘extremely remorseful’.

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He said that following the death of Maguire’s father, the he began drinking and taking drugs.

However, the barrister told the court the defendant has ‘turned his life around’ and is now working in Switzerland.

Judge Phillip Babington adjourned sentencing until later today.