Former SNP leader urges Derry people to '˜vote remain' on June 23

Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.
Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.
Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, believes the people of Derry should vote for the UK to remain in the EU.

Mr. Salmond was in Derry on Friday as a guest of the Chamber of Commerce and explained why he believes voting to remain in the EU would benefit the people of the city.

“Here in Derry, we only have to glance at the beautiful Peace Bridge, symbolising not only the peace in this region but the commitment of the European Union to supporting the continued Peace Process,” said Mr. Salmond.

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“Northern Ireland has taught us that the fundamental principle of the European Union- that when independent nations work together for a shared cause, for a common good - it works.”

Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.
Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.

The former leader of the Scottish National Party added: “If the Peace Process here has taught us anything, it is the intrinsic value and indeed the power of, collaboration and co-operation.

“I want us to remain in the EU so that we can continue to work together, progressing the interests of our people, embracing solidarity and its social responsibilities, in a Europe that supports its citizens, businesses and governments.”

Mr. Salmond had lunch with local members of the Chamber of Commerce and guests before joining SDLP leader, Colum Eastwood and Mark Durkan MP, on walk around the city.

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Mr. Salmond walked through the city centre, down Fahan Street, through the Bogside and back into the city centre again.

Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.
Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond MP, met some local voters during his visit to the city on Friday. Included is SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MLA and Mark Durkan MP.

Voters from both sides of the debate spoke with Mr. Salmond and listened to what he had to say.

Stephen Nixon, said he was undecided until he spoke to Mr. Salmond and said he will now be voting for the UK to stay in the EU on June 23.

“It was great to see someone of Mr. Salmond’s standing walking around Derry.

“I wasn’t too sure what way I was going to vote but after chatting with Mr. Salmond I think it’s too risky and I will be voting for the UK to stay,” said Stephen.