'˜Fun for Under 5s' at the Tower Museum

Tower Museum. 3003JM61Tower Museum. 3003JM61
Tower Museum. 3003JM61
The Tower Museum is joining forces with 17 others across the north in the coming weeks to bring specially tailored events and activities for young children and their families.

The ’Playful Museums’ festival is organised by the Northern Ireland Museums Council and is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The project is designed for children under five years and aims to showcase how museums can be enjoyable and fun learning spaces, especially for the younger visitor.

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Betty Doherty, Assistant Education and Access Officer at the Tower Museum said, “The Tower Museum is delighted to be part of the Playful Museums Festival.

“We are hosting a number of workshops throughout February and early March including; Tiny Tots at the Tower every Wednesday from February 1 until March 1 from 10am until 12pm: February 1, children’s sing-along and activities for developing senses; February 8, storytelling using the museum’s old toy collection, February 15, baby yoga, massage and reflexology (toddlers); February 22, walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs with various activities and stories, and finally on March 2, ‘Who am I? Where do I live?’ decoration and handkerchief toys.

“These events and activities will keep young children entertained while providing a real educational value. Spaces will be limited so ensure you secure your place on any or all of the above sessions by ringing the Tower Museum on 028 7137 2411 ext 8256 as soon as possible and requesting a registration form.”

Beth Frazer, Playful Museums Programme Coordinator added: “I am very happy to be leading this exciting new project. We hope that the Festival will encourage even more parents to bring their young children to enjoy the museums activities on offer.”

For further details: www.derrystrabane.com.