MEP Anderson to hold Brexit talks in Derry

Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson.Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson.
Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson.
Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson will hold a range of discussions across Derry on Friday focusing on the potential impact of Brexit on local people.

Ms. Anderson will speak with representatives across various sectors during four events across the city.

A ‘Brexit Breakfast’ event will be held at An Culturlann on Great James Street on Friday from 8.30am focusing on the impact of leaving the EU on business and trade.

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The European Office on Spencer Road will host a Brexit discussion for the community and voluntary sector at 10.15am, followed by a discussion for Trad Unions at 11.30am at the same venue.

The final event at 1pm at Destined’s Office on Foyle Road will focus on ‘Brexit and the Disability Sector: Unite for Rights’.

Speaking ahead of the events, Ms Anderson said; “There is no doubt that Brexit would be a disaster for the entire island of Ireland but it would be particularly keenly felt in the north west.

“Seven months on the British government clearly does not have the first clue what is it doing in terms of Brexit. One thing that we can be sure of however, is that the British government care little about the impact of its disastrous agenda on the people of the north.

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“It is hugely important that local people have the opportunity to have their say on this important issue. The people of the North voted to remain in the EU and that vote must be recognised and respected.”